
Read about our portfolio of sectors and the type of work we conduct in each


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We specialise in applying analytical techniques in complex, multi-faceted situations where published measures, standard quantitative tools or frameworks do not provide the whole answer. Our work is focussed on the core sectors in which we operate but the methodologies we utilise may be adapted for use in a wide variety of situations.

Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is one of the most commonly used forms of evidence-backed decision-making. Our team can objectively quantify the direct and indirect, tangible and intangible costs and benefits to help evaluate options and inform decisions that provide the best returns on investments.

Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) provides clients with a robust tool to demonstrate either the economic contribution their sector, organisation or project makes or the impact that changes may have on an organisation. Our assessments are used by policymakers, regulators and private organisations in regional, domestic and international environments.

Evaluations assess the results of policies, regulations or projects against their objectives. We help clients to understand the lessons that can be learned to improve future strategy and decision-making.

Further information about our specialist appraisal and evaluation experience is available from the links on this page.

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