Patrick Taylor
Patrick has significant experience advising companies, investors, regulators and governments worldwide about regulation & competition, finance policy and strategy matters in regulated sectors.

Patrick Taylor is a partner in CEPA’s regulatory and competition practice and has worked extensively within gas, electricity and water sectors on network regulation, wholesale and retail market design, competition issues and institutional arrangements.
As one of CEPA’s Energy Practice leads, Patrick has supported companies in preparing price control business plans, economic analysis of regulatory policies and proposals and submissions to regulatory appeal processes. He led CEPA’s support to UK Power Networks in responding to Ofgem/BEIS consultations on future regulatory strategy for a flexible and smart energy system, including pricing models and Distribution System Operation (DSO) regulation. He advised EirGrid on regulatory and market regimes to facilitate cross-border renewable projects and their associated transmission networks between Ireland and Great Britain (GB) and leads CEPA’s modelling work of Distribution Use of System (DUoS) tariffs for the GB electricity Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).
Patrick also regularly advises energy sector regulators, including Ofgem, CRU (the Irish regulator), ACER and regulatory bodies in Australia (AEMC and AER) on regulatory framework design, pricing structures, financeability and cost of capital issues. He has advised Ofgem extensively on the financing and regulation of competitively appointed electricity network owners in GB (offshore transmission owners (OFTOs)), CRU in Ireland on gas sector price control reviews and ACER on transmission tariff structure design.
Patrick has advised utilities and infrastructure developers on opportunities and regulatory and competition issues associated with entering and operating within gas and electricity markets. He has undertaken due diligence advice for prospective investors in energy assets within the UK, Europe and emerging markets and has advised stakeholders in the water sector on cost assessment, regulatory finance issues and tariff structure design.
Patrick has a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of London (SOAS) and an undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Sheffield.
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