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News & insights

Date: June 2020 | Client: AEMC | Sector: Energy | Energy transition & flexibility | Expertise: Public policy & strategy

CEPA supports Australian distributed energy resource (DER) access & pricing conversations

CEPA is proud to have worked with the Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) and the Total Environment Centre (TEC), the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) and Energy Consumers Australia (ECA) under the Distributed Energy Integration Program (DEIP) to deliver a workshop and report on the distributed energy resource (DER) and options for regulatory arrangements for future network access and pricing. While our report was commissioned by the AEMC, we engaged with all the stakeholders in working through the key issues and reform options.

The high levels of DER penetration in Australia, which are forecast to continue at a rapid rate, mean that the regime needs to evolve in order to make sure consumers and DER owners are sent the right signals about how their use of the electricity distribution network affects distribution network service providers’ investments and operations. We developed and considered the options against public policy objectives as well as economic efficiency.

We would like to thank all of the stakeholders for their feedback throughout the process and participation at the workshop.

CEPA's report and the workshop material is available to download.

To find out more, please contact our experts listed below.

Jonathan Mirrlees-Black
Managing Director – Asia Pacific Australia