News & insights
Date: May 2020 | Client: Ofgem | Sector: Energy | Gas | Energy networks | Expertise: Modelling
Ofgem publishes its Decision on UNC678; the modification proposals relating to gas transmission charging
Ofgem, Great Britain's independent energy regulator, has now made its Decision on UNC678; the modification proposals submitted to it which relate to the gas transmission charging arrangements. This marks the successful completion of CEPA’s support, working with Ofgem to evaluate impacts of the proposals following their submission by industry participants in 2019.
CEPA undertook the modelling of the quantitative impacts of the options using our sophisticated Cambridge Energy Modelling Suite. Based on our modelling, Ofgem identifies benefits to gas consumers of over £1.2 billion resulting from its chosen option – UNC678A (Postage Stamp).
Ofgem’s Decision is available online, alongside Ofgem’s Final Impact Assessment and CEPA's Analytical Report.
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