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News & insights

Date: September 2022 | Client: DECC | Sector: Energy | Expertise: Decarbonisation & sector integration

Major review launched on energy security of supply in Ireland

The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) has launched a major public consultation on the security of energy supply for Ireland’s gas and electricity systems. This important review has been supported by CEPA’s independent technical analysis into physical security of energy supply in Ireland.

CEPA’s analysis was focused on three key strands:

  1. the identification and examination of key security of supply shocks
  2. the identification of mitigation options designed to address these shocks
  3. the appraisal of these options

The review comes in the context of a period of transformational change on Ireland’s energy system – including a substantial increase in electricity generated from renewable sources, phase-out of coal and peat-fired generation, and electrification of heat and transport – and against a background of major disruptions to European energy supplies. CEPA are proud to have supported DECC in this significant review and we look forward to hearing views raised by stakeholders from right across the Irish energy landscape.

The public consultation and CEPA’s associated analysis can be found here. The closing date for submissions is 28 October 2022.

To find out more, please contact our experts listed below.

Andrei Vladareanu
Managing Consultant United Kingdom
Stephen Garavan
Senior Consultant United Kingdom